

aristotle-philosopher-excellence-is-an-art-won-by-training-and-habituation-we-do-notOur commonly discussed addiction include:

  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Shopping
  • Internet / Electronics
  • Food

A simple, usable definition of addiction is “a compulsive behavior that gives short-term pleasure and is known to have long-term negative effects.”
I don’t suffer so much from the above as I have a tendency to be addicted to:

  • Complaining
  • Overworking

Complaining, while it gives me a momentary “high” in the short term, does not help me in the long term.
Trying to avoid my anxiety by throwing myself at work, while it feels good, is really participating in self-harm.

Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.

I know I must stop.
How about you?
To what are you addicted?
What is it that you do that gives you short term pleasure but you know, long term, is detrimental to you?

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As with any addiction, the first step is admitting that there is a problem.

My name is Brian.
I have a problem.
I complain too much.
I work too much.
I need sobriety.
I need help.
I feel powerless to stop, but nonetheless fully believe that I can live my way into stopping.
Let it begin with me.
Let it begin today.
I will err on my path towards sobriety, but promise on my road to recovery to be kind to myself.
Progress, not perfection.
One day at a time.

Let us all believe we can be delivered from our addictions – what so ever they are.
This weeks #wisdom_biscuit: Let us renew our commitment to strive for excellence. 
With love,
Rabbi Brian