
30/40 Compassion

The 77% Weekly

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26/40 From Rabbi Brian

NOTE: The story in this article might seem familiar. I wrote this, gave it to my editor, and she pointed out that I had previously published this story in 2009: 28/40. Still, the moral is an important one.

Compassionate or other?

Consider the following five attributes:

  •  Compassion
  •  Wisdom
  •  Cleverness
  •  Kindness
  •  Intelligence

Which one best describes you?


If we were to take an honest assessment of your character – if we were to ask people with whom you interact on a daily basis – which quality would they say best reflects you?


Are you wise? Compassionate? Clever? Kind? Or smart? Something else?


Which of the above five characteristics would you most like to be?

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Rabbi Brian is the CEO and chief columnist of Religion-Outside-The-Box 

– seeking to empower adults to find and be with (the) God (of their understanding).


His day job is instructing mathematics at De la Salle Catholic High School, North Portland.
The rest of the time is with his family.

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While I certainly take pride in my creativity, my outside-the-box, divergent thinking, I would rather be known for being kind than for being smart or wise.


I’ve come a long way from my childhood when clever and smart were über-paramount to my sense of self worth, and I’ve got a ways to go still.


There’s a great quote by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel who said,

When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.

I strive to open up more towards my fellow human beings and be kinder.


How about you?

What’s most important to you?

Which quality do you need to develop in your life?

Which would make you more human?

Which would bring you a fuller, richer life?

What steps can you take to cultivate more of that particular characteristic in yourself?


Spiritual-religious advice: Be the quality you most want to be.

  With love,

  Rabbi Brian

   Rabbi Brian   

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