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The 77% Weekly
The 40/52-weeks-a-year,  quick-reading, thought-lingering, spiritual-religious newsletter.

Religion-Outside-The-Box is a donation supported not-for-profit empowering adults to find and be with (the) God (of their understanding).  

In This Issue
Apocalypse far!
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# 31 / 40 – October 2007

Apocalypse far!                                                    

The end isn’t happening for a while – so, learn to live with it!

We human beings are curious to know how things will wind up. I understand that. Eschatology is about just that. (Eschatology, a subdivision of the intersection of theology and philosophy, deals with the final events of history – the apocalypse or end of days!)

Some folk, like Sir Isaac Newton believed the world would end pretty soon. (According to his calculations, it would be in the year 2060.)

Others maintain that the Earth will end when it is 6,000 years old. (FYI: according to the Hebrew calendar, the earth just turned 5768 years old.)

According to either of these calculations, the end of the world isn’t going to happen for years!

You and I will probably die before it happens.

That might just put things into perspective, no?

Remember the y2k fears that were widespread toward the end of the year 1999 and how so many were convinced life as we know it was about to end? Well, the world is not ending tomorrow or next week. Or even next month.

And it’s definitely not going to end if you don’t finish that project you’ve been stressed out about working on.


So, you better learn to deal with life…

The Halloween after September 11, 2001 I decided to wear a sandwich board costume that read, “The end isn’t near, learn to live with it.”

That’s my mini-moral here…

Get through life. Do your best.

Live your life as fully as you can, for as long as you can.

With love,

Rabbi Brian

A web version of this article is available here.
This article was also posted at Street Prophets.

The 77% Weekly

The 77% Weekly: The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter
helps people find and be with (the) God (of their understanding) 40 out of 52 weeks a year.

Why 77%?
Two reasons:
1) 40/52 = 0.76923 and it is sent every Monday except the last of each month.
2) In school 77% was a passing grade and ROTB wants to remind you that life isn’t graded, it’s pass/fail.

Religion-Outside-The-Box is a donation-supported,
non-denominational, internet-based, 501c3-tax exempt religious congregation.

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