Religion-Outside-The-Box is a non-denominational,
internet-based, 501c3 tax
exempt religious congregation.
A Prayer for the Year.
Rev. Jeremy Taylor, an ordained
Unitarian Universalist minister and Jungian dream
said something I wanted to pass along as my final
of 2006:
“If the only prayer you ever uttered was ‘thank
you’ it
would be enough.”
Gratitude: what a
beautiful concept on which to end this year.
As this is the last issue of the year, let me
publicly thank
those who in 2006 made financial
contributions to Religion-Outside-The-Box:
Anonymous / Robin Shanker & Joe
Anzelmo / Larry Arnold / Andrea Aucoin / Daniel “Nagy”
Buckley / Lawrence & Sherri Cirac / J. Doug Cox /
Maxwell & Allyson Frome / Erik, Pam, Madeline, & Charlotte
Hartog / Matt Katz / Lawrence &
Virginia Keene / Shirley Kesler
/ Julie
Klee / Steven Krantz / Mickey Littmann / Mitch
Lively &
Don Blum / Graham Morris Animation / New Linkages
Internship Program, Jewish Vocational Services /
Renan & Roberta Margolis / Marjorie & Steven
/ Catherine Rosenberg / Sarah Smith / Arthur Toretzky /
Westwood United Methodist Church
here if I omitted you or if you didn’t get a
form. (I’m embarrassed, but afraid that there were a
goof or two this year.)
Click here if you would consider
making a tax-exempt contribution to help further this
ministry-rabbiniate’s goal of empowering people to
find and
be with (the) God (of their understanding).
Thank you and with love,
And, as always, if you care to, you can click
to see comments on the streetprophets site where the
article also went up this week.