


The 77% Weekly

The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter

February 2007 – Issue 5/40

In This Issue


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The 77% Weekly:
The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter
people find and be with (the) God (of their
understanding) 40
out of 52 weeks a year.

is a non-denominational,
internet-based, 501c3 tax
exempt religious congregation.

(Rabbi Brian will be on paternity leave until issue
6/40 —
February 19. Larry Keene’s Simple Prayers
will be
gracing the The 77% Weekly
until Rabbi Brian returns.)

Simple Prayer: Seeing Stars

Laurence C. Keene

Dear God, I have noticed from a lifetime of
observing people, that there are two distinctly
different kinds of individuals I seem to encounter
on a daily basis: those who look upon their
circumstances in life and see nothing but mud, and
others who look up and around themselves and only
see stars. Mud and stars. They are both there, to be
sure, but most of us seem to only see one or the
other. I saw a woman the other day standing
knee-deep in mud but all she could see were stars. I
have seen others standing on the crest of a high
mountain on a crystal clear night and all they could
see was mud. What people see in life, O Lord,
doesn’t seem to have much to do with where they are
in life at all. It seems to have so much more to do
with who and what kind of people they are. Help me,
dear God, to see stars even in muddy situations.
Give me hope, dear Lord, when I am up to my knees in
discouragement. I am not asking you to change my
circumstances; I am just asking you to help me to
change the way I look at them. Keep me from seeing
less when I could be so much more wonderfully
blessed by seeing more. Don’t let the mud in my life
keep the stars from shining for me.

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Also by Rabbi Brian

77% Weekly
Rabbi Brian

That bad

30 That bad       Friday afternoon. I’m working on the ePub (digital version) of my book. It’s not coming out as I envisioned,

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77% Weekly
Rabbi Brian

Magic Tears

    My friend Tal introduced me to the poem “Butter Knife” by poet Hollie McNish. Here’s an excerpt:   my heart has pumped for

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Because you want peace trust self-esteem love .