

The 77% Weekly

The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter

November 2006 – Issue 37/40

In This Issue


Wonderful News!

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The 77% Weekly:
The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter
people find and be with (the) God (of their
understanding) 40
out of 52 weeks a year.

is a non-denominational,
internet-based, 501c3 tax
exempt religious congregation.

2006 Religion-Outside-The-Box Awards.

Every year Religion-Outside-The-Box honors a few people
who live their religious lives their way.They are
(in no particular order):

God Calling: What do you want?

Let’s play pretend:

scene opens with you and me in my office. I have a
phone headset in my hand and I’m on a call.

click the hold button on the phone and say to you,
“It seems that God wants to know what it is you

Now what?

that I’ve got God — or at least some angel or
administrative muckity-muck in God’s office — on the

Do you know what do you really want?

(It’s an easy question to answer

I have found over and over again that
what people first say they want usually isn’t what
they really want.

When it comes to material
things, usually we don’t want the trinket as much as
we want the feeling that we imagine will come along
with possessing it. (That’s why we get bored of
possessions so quickly, we didn’t really want them
as much as we wanted what we thought it would bring
us — which it doesn’t — and so we go off in search
of a new bauble or different momentary

15 things

Can you think of 15
things you want?

10 minutes of

Most people after writing what they want
for a few minutes wind up with very different
answers than they started with.

So, I
encourage you to do the following personalized,
religious experience: for the next 10 minutes
write out everything you want.
(You’ll be
surprised at what you come up with.)


If you care to share what you came up with in 10
minutes, I welcome your wants. Should you want a
copy of my list, please e-mail


you complete your list, there are a few things to
think about:

  • What are you currently doing
    that is helping you get what you want?
  • What
    are you currently doing that is preventing you from
    getting what you want?
  • What is it that you
    are *not* currently doing that might help you get
    what you want?
  • As a result of thinking about
    the above — what can you commit to doing to help you
    to get what it is that you want?
  • When will
    you commit to doing it?

And, if you care to, click here to see comments on
the streetprophets
site where this article went up last week.

With much love,

Rabbi Brian
