
Be forgiving. Of yourself. And others.


I received a text message from my buddy, Fritz. It was typed in letters from the Hebrew alphabet. But it was neither Hebrew nor Yiddish; it was Ladino.
Just as Yiddish evolved from Middle German being written in Hebrew letters, Ladino is a similar blend of old Spanish and Hebrew.
Fritz is a professor of languages. As part of teaching himself this ancient Judeo-Spanish language he texted me in Ladino. I was delighted by the anachronism of using technology to communicate in an ancient language still spoken by about 125,00 people worldwide.
I could recognize “Rabbi Brian” at the top of what Fritz wrote.
I gave him hearty praise for his skills.
Fritz replied, “I am afraid I made a few too many grammatical errors.”
I wrote back, “I pray I would be as forgiving of all issues in my life as easily as I am able to overlook grammatical errors in phrases texted to me in Ladino.”
This made me think.
About me. And about Fritz. And about you.

  • How willing are we to forgive the mistakes others make?
  • How difficult a time do we have in allowing ourselves to not be perfect?

This newsletter is called The 77% Weekly for a reason. Life is not an honors course – it’s pass/fail. And, so long as you are breathing, doing more good than harm, and acting more compassionately every year
#wisdom_biscuit: Be forgiving. Of yourself. And others.

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Because you want peace trust self-esteem love .