


Screen-Shot-2015-02-01-at-2.25.18-PMPlease take a really deep breath. Take in a good amount of air and let it out. And, do it again.
See how long you can make your exhale.
Can you lengthen it by a few more seconds?
I’ve noticed that when I am stressed and feel overwhelmed, I hear myself make an audible exhale-sigh. And, now that I have trained myself to notice these, I can use them as an indicator that I need to take it a little easier.
So, I’m thinking we should practice while we aren’t too-too stressed. Dr. Andrew Weil, a leader in the field of integrative medicine, has an audio book I’ve listened to that tackles the subject matter of breathing. And, after hours of listening to him talk about inhales and exhales, I can summarize: we need to take deeper, longer and calmer breaths. The more breaths we can do in a day in that fashion, the better our day will be for us.
That’s it.
Life, as far as I know, is pass/fail and as so long as we are breathing, we are passing.
So, breathe.
Calm it down.
This week’s #wisdom_biscuit:
With love,

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Because you want peace trust self-esteem love .