
Resistance Bible Study Podcast

05 Toni Anne Reynolds – Books that aren’t in the Bible but are Biblical books

Books that aren’t in the Bible but are Biblical books. The story of the good Samaritan is probably one you know, and you know it wrong. And, others. Misinformation gets schooled. I met Toni at the Embrace festival in Portland, Oregon and just loved her presentation on the Nag Hamadi texts. And, then I got […]

05 Toni Anne Reynolds – Books that aren’t in the Bible but are Biblical books Read More »

04 – Rev. Lee Ann Bryce – Abortion legitimatized in scripture

Abortion legitimatized in scripture! How to interpret what you know. How to love the Bible even when people are hating on you for it – take the high road. I don’t think I would have the stomach to be a gay, female liberal preacher in Fort Worth Texas. But, Lee Ann Bryce has extraordinary courage

04 – Rev. Lee Ann Bryce – Abortion legitimatized in scripture Read More »

03 – Rev. Peter Boulatta – Multiple authors of the Bible and horrible translations

Multiple authors of the Bible and horrible translations. A roller coaster ride of learning about the Bible from two guys who seem to know a lot about it. My friend Lori told me that I had to interview Peter. It was one of those recommendations that felt like being invited to hear a friend’s friend

03 – Rev. Peter Boulatta – Multiple authors of the Bible and horrible translations Read More »

02 John Pavlovitz – the pastor of the resistance

Donuts and the terrible problem of unlearning what you knew. John and Brian exchange ideas of not obeying all the laws in the Bible as written. Cause, modernity. John is “the pastor of the resistance.” He became a “name” after getting fired from the church at which he worked after publishing an open letter to

02 John Pavlovitz – the pastor of the resistance Read More »

01 Rev. Jim Burklo: Resistance against oppressors: a biblical explanation

Jim Burklo was my (Rabbi Brian’s) first interview because this USC Dean of Religious Life is the father of many congregations running their own “resistance bible studies.” I want to grow up to be like Jim Burklo. He is smart, funny, serious when he needs to be. And, he has a great big heart. The

01 Rev. Jim Burklo: Resistance against oppressors: a biblical explanation Read More »