
From my office.

IMG_1216ROTB redoThere are exciting things happening here in the ROTB office. I can’t yet pull down a curtain declaring, “Ta-Da!”
But, I have wonderful plans.
I’m working with a business consultant who keeps reminding me that the best way to chop down a tree is to first spend time sharpening the axe. Lots of planning is scheduled for the next months.
As I just configured the new email server to automate the next 9 articles, I can tell you that there are great articles coming. Here’s a preview:

  • Learning from Satan. (Origins of the word and a spiritual exercise we can apply based on that knowledge.)
  • Right, wrong, easy, hard. (How our thinking makes things more complicated.)
  • Addicted (A confessional.)
  • Silent Compliments. (A suggestion that perhaps when people don’t say anything to us, they are actually approving.)
  • Think(less) Emotions. (Again, about how our thinking gets us in trouble.)
  • Enthusiasm with Furrowed Brows. (The relationship between anxiety and excitement are in my eyebrows!)
  • A Fluid Relationship. (Analysis of stereotypes and how we get stuck.)
  • Love. (The four most important things I know about what love really is.)
  • Radical Sufficiency. (A suggestion on how to get more from what is.)