
P is For Patient Mini Course


Don’t fear the vacuum of time and energy you will free up.

Stop being complicit with hatred.

Jedi-like Patience.

In less than 20-minutes over five days.

Srsly. It works. And it’s guaranteed. 

I started with the “no thank you card.” Just by having it, I need it less. I go into situations mindful that patience may be necessary. I have the card; I am prepared. Then i do not even need to take the card out to use its power. It’s in my pocket, so i’m ready to not accept the negativity and focus on the things that need to get done: the commute, the grading, the student meetings. It’s been good and I look forward to trying the other exercises as well!

DYI – $50

Receive instant downloads as well as three “P is for Patient” cards in the mail.

Outsource – $180

Few people want to pay $50 to work on themselves.

Have Rabbi Brian spend 20-minutes of his time getting patience for you.


It totally changed things for me. I’m not even joking. It’s been really good. Like when Jake is about to piss me off, I act differently, because I don’t want to take out the card.

Now I’m going to work on my temper in the car with the “No Thank You” card.

This is self-care you need to do.’Even if you don’t want to. Or, ask me, and I’ll order it to come to your house.

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Because you want peace trust self-esteem love .