
Pierce D


The 77% Weekly
The 40/52-weeks-a-year, quick-reading, thought-lingering, spiritual-religious newsletter.

Religion-Outside-The-Box (oldrotb.wpengine.com) is a donation supported not-for-profit empowering adults to find and be with (the) God (of their understanding).  

Bonus Issue
 A few things.

  1. Thank you to all who have contributed financially this year.
  2. My father’s most recent surgery (12/14) went well. He’s in good spirits.  Emmett and I are going to NYC to visit him this weekend.  
  3. Below is an article that I wanted to pass along.

-With love


Pierce D’s article.

Years ago, when I was a counselor at Magic Camp, I had a very creative student named Pierce D. He visited Jane, Emmett and I in LA a few summers ago. (Annie hadn’t been born yet.)  And, we became even closer.  Thanks to the Internet, we’ve stayed in good touch.

A few months ago, Pierce wrote an article for a paper at Johns Hopkins.  It wasn’t received well by some folk.  I’m not certain why.

I liked it so much I asked him if I could share it with you.

Here’s his article…

What If?  by Pierce Delahunt
What If?

What if I were better looking?

What if I weighed less? What if I had more muscle? What if I were stronger? What if my teeth were whiter? Would I smile more? Would people like my smile more? What if my skin were clearer? Would I de-tag photographs of myself any less? Would I be more attractive? How much more? How would my behavior change? Would I try as hard as I am trying now to get people to like me? How hard am I trying? What would I do if I did not have to try so hard? Why am I not doing that right now?

What if I were more attractive? How much of it would involve my appearance? What are the other things exactly? What if I always knew what to say? What would I say? Would I enter social settings more often? Would people like me more? Would more people like me? Would I like myself? More?

What if I had no inhibitions, other than moral ones? What outgoing things would I do? Would they impress people? Would people want to know me? What if people admired me? Could I take any of that admiration for myself? Can I learn to admire myself a little more? What if I stopped being so self-critical? Would people criticize me less? What if I criticized others less?

What if I had a girlfriend/boyfriend? What if I had anyone with whom I could talk? What if I had more friends interested in something I have been neglecting? What would we talk about? What would we do? How would it improve my life? What if I had sex more often? Would I be more relaxed? What if I relaxed more often? Would I have more sex?

What if I always had something to do on the weekends? What if more people called me to invite me places? Where would I go that I have not already been? Would I have gone there regardless? How would I feel when I got there? What if I was the center of attention? How would I handle it?

What if I were a better dancer? Would I be better in bed? What if I were better in bed? Would rumors spread? Would people try to have sex with me? What if I had a bigger dick/cup size? Would more people want to see? Feel? Taste? What if I were more flexible? What positions would I try? What if I always knew what my partner wanted? What would I do for him/her?

What if we all stopped being so self-critical? Would we do more for each other? Would we do more for ourselves? What do I want for myself? What if I knew more clearly? Would I communicate it to people? What if I did? Would they reject me? What if they rejected me? What if I could always face rejection? What if I stopped thinking of it as rejection? What if I stopped thinking of rejection as bad?

What if we could outright talk about our interests in other people? What would allow this? What disadvantages would this have? Whom would I tell? Which people would confess to me? Anyone I have been overlooking? Anyone I like? Anyone I know about already? Are there people who know I like them already and I have not realized? What if the person I like does know? Would that be nerve-wracking? Would that be a relief?

What if it did not matter what happened with my next interaction? Could I do anything? Where would my focus be? Would I even bother? What if I stopped trying? What if I could make my own social norms? What would I change? What is stopping me? Would I criticize less and enjoy more?

Whom am I criticizing? Can I criticize any less? Can I criticize more constructively? How would that person take my criticism? How would I react to that?

What if we all stopped being so self-critical? What if we all stopped being so self-critical? What if we all stopped being so self- critical? What if we all stopped being so critical?


If you want to e-mail Pierce, click here.

The 77% Weekly

The 77% Weekly: The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter
helps people find and be with (the) God (of their understanding) 40 out of 52 weeks a year.

Why 77%?
Two reasons:
1) 40/52 = 0.76923. The newsletter is sent every Monday except the last of each month.
2) In school 77% was a passing grade and ROTB wants to remind you that life isn’t graded.

Religion-Outside-The-Box is a donation-supported,
non-denominational, internet-based, 501c3-tax exempt religious congregation.

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