

Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture—with God   rB:“God, I have some thoughts I need to work out. You mind me using the artifice of an imagined conversation with you?”   God:“Fair enough. Glad to help. Go ahead.”   rB:“OK, so last night, I’m watching Family Guy with Emmett, and they do a homage to Bill Cosby’s Noah routine. […]

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True Miracles

True Miracles “So whatever is bringing you from Los Angeles to Lynchburg,” asks the woman with the slight southern drawl next to me on the route from Dallas. “This airplane,” I tease and quickly follow up, “but seriously, a mentor of mine invited me to perform as part of a revue show at the Hyatt

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Three Vignettes

*Running out* Toilet paper. At the start of the pandemic, there was a run on the stuff. Off all shelves. Out of stores. Throughout the land. I never worried about it. And there was no need to worry. I don’t know of anyone who ran out. Peopleshared what they had until supplies were replenished. And

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Hey Martha

“Hey, Martha.” Less I’m on the phone catching up with someone. Anyone. The conversation agenda goes according to a set outline: Introductions: Greetings and “how-are-you”s Round 1: A few “Hey, Martha”s Round 2: Respective reports on health and activities of self and loved ones Round 3: Recommendations of some shows to watch or books to

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No Rest Just Yet

    For more than 10 years, this newsletter, The 77% Weekly, has issued a “non-issue” on the last Monday of the month. (It is both humbling and electrifying to know that many people have been reading my words for even half that long.) Last week, even though it was the last Monday of the

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All Lives Matter?

  All Lives Matter? Friday, August 28. Afternoon.     I’m sitting at my desk, deftly switching between my emails and the program that allows me to send and receive text messages on behalf of a political party I want to aid to win the 2020 election. I look at the clock. I have only

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