
Robert Frost

Freedom (4.1/5)

Greetings! Usually, I send out the “take-a-moment” off e-mail on the last Monday of the month.  However, as I wanted to send a five-part series about freedom before Passover/Easter, I had to deviate from my usual pattern. -Rb The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter  11/40 From Rabbi Brian Freedom (on the inside)   […]

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(32.40) Love Your Suffering

The 77% Weekly The 40/52-weeks-a-year, quick-reading, thought-lingering, spiritual-religious newsletter. Religion-Outside-The-Box (oldrotb.wpengine.com) is a donation supported not-for-profit empowering adults to find and be with (the) God (of their understanding).   32/40 From the desk of Rabbi Brian Love Your Suffering Today’s topic might be slightly controversial, but I want to talk about it anyway:   Love your

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