
Us vs. Them


U.S. elections are always the same. People get entrenched in an “us versus them” mentality. “We’re good, they’re bad.” “We know what we’re talking about – they don’t.”
It just doesn’t work that way, people.
We have this tendency to create dichotomies in our lives – to separate ourselves from those whom we believe are different from us, and therefore, wrong. Psychotherapist Melanie Klein referred to this as “splitting.”
We lament:

  • “Things would be great if only they would stop acting that way.”
  • “Life would be better if only they agreed with me.”
  • “All problems would be solved if only they changed their behavior.”

Spiritual-religious news flash: there is no “they.”
The problem isn’t with “them” – it’s with us. It’s you. It’s me. And us.
We are the problem.
If we want change, we must work from the inside.
Until we start treating everyone with compassion – including them – nothing will ever change.
Spiritual-religious advice:
Realize you are part of the problem.
With love,
i best

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Because you want peace trust self-esteem love .