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The 77% Weekly
The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter

people to find and be with (the) God (of their understanding).                                                                                                        www.oldrotb.wpengine.com

In This Issue
Be Here Now!
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# 21 / 40 – July 2007

Be Here Now!


You are invited!

  • Who:     You.
  • Where:  Here.
  • When:    Now, right now!
Be right where you are, right now.
  • You don’t need to bring anything.
  • Just be with reality as it is.

With love,

Rabbi Brian

If you care to, click here to see this post on the StreetProphets site, where it went up last week and received some comments.

A web version of this article is available here.

The 77% Weekly

The 77% Weekly: The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter
helps people find and be with (the) God (of their understanding) 40 out of 52 weeks a year.

Why 77%? Two reasons: 1) 40/52 = 0.76923 and 2) in school 77% was a passing grade and ROTB wants to remind you that life isn’t graded, it’s pass/fail.

Religion-Outside-The-Box is a non-denominational, donation-supported, internet-based, 501c3-tax exempt religious congregation.