
24/40 Mistakes

The 77% Weekly

The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 

24/40 From Rabbi Brian

A little over a week ago I got a phone call that went something like this:

-Rabbi Brian?


-Where are you?

Here, why?

-We had a meeting scheduled for 40 minutes ago!


Oops. I had forgotten a scheduled meeting.


Yikes! (We rescheduled. I showed up and apologized.)

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Rabbi Brian is the CEO and chief columnist of Religion-Outside-The-Box 

– seeking to empower adults to find and be with (the) God (of their understanding).


His “day job” is instructing high school math. (They learn more than math.)


The rest of the time is with his family.

Let me recount another incident. I called a company about a package that was supposed to be delivered to me:

-Excuse me, where is my package?”

-Oh, there was a problem. There will be a bit of a delay. We didn’t ship it yet.

-I’m calling you, and you’re telling me there was a problem? Shouldn’t you be the one contacting me about this issue?


My point is, we all make mistakes — it’s just what humans do.

In the past, I’ve written about how we ought not to beat ourselves too much when we make a mistake.

Today, I want to look at a different side of mistakes.


I find that how we deal with mistakes can serve as a sort of a litmus test of character.


I tend to like people who admit to their foibles, faults, and flaws. I like individuals who don’t have a problem admitting when they’re wrong — people who can say, “Wow, I made a mistake” — and not beat themselves up too horribly about it.


Awhile back, Jane and I interviewed contractors for some major work to be done at our house. One of the questions we wished we had asked was, “When was the last time you made a mistake?” I sure would have loved to hear the answers. The guy we hired apparently never made mistakes (at least none that he admitted to).


I don’t like people who “never” make mistakes or at least never admit to doing so. They bore me.


Think about yourself. How do you deal with being wrong, or forgetful, or imperfect? Do you forgive yourself for slips and faults, do you overly regret them, do you cover them up?


What is your answer to this question: When was the last time you made a mistake?


If the answer doesn’t come easily, you may be viewing yourself as a super-human (that is, you don’t make mistakes as frequently as the rest of us do). If that’s the case, you’d better be prepared to forgive those of us who err with more frequency.


Spiritual-religious advice: Handle mistakes, both our own and others’, with grace.

  With love,

  Rabbi Brian

   Rabbi Brian   

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