Good Taste |
couldn’t believe this young person I love so much actually chose to wear the clothes he was wearing. Baggy pants, a haircut that looked like the barber changed his mind halfway through the job of cutting it, and an earring that hung two inches below his earlobe. “This is a cool outfit,” he said to me. Cool was not the word I would have chosen to describe it. His |
The 77% Weekly |
The 77% Weekly: The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter helps people find and be with (the) God (of their understanding) 40 out of 52 weeks a year.
Why 77%?
Two reasons: 1) 40/52 = 0.76923. The newsletter is sent every Monday except the last of each month.
2) In school 77% was a passing grade and ROTB wants to remind you that life isn’t graded. Religion-Outside-The-Box is a donation-supported,