
34.40 Managing Annoyances — F/U2


The 77% Weekly

The 40/52-weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter

Another reflection on annoyances…
Wednesday, I sent our two of my reflections on the exercise — Managing Annoyances. I have gotten so many wonderful comments back from other folk who are doing this too.

I asked David B. who sent me the following if he wouldn’t mind if I forwarded this that he wrote to you.  With his permission, here are his words:

I haven’t been too diligent on the notepad, but I have been keeping a tab.  Very humbling actually.  I am annoyed often and oh, oh, how I desperately wanted to write down WHY I was annoyed!  But this one, THIS ONE is real – just look at what “they” did!   I just KNOW that my annoyances are JUSTIFIED.  I am right, they are wrong.  How could they?  I don’t have time for this.  etc etc.  
Upon reflection the majority of my annoyances centre around time.  I have a constant background belief that there is not enough of it, and if you get in the road of me doing what I want to do, now, well, I will get annoyed or worse.  I may honk the horn, or write a letter to management or or or.  
I corroborate your observation that noting the times I get annoyed is exposing the little conscious choice made to do so each time.  Oh so subtle is the Human Being!!  We trick ourselves into thinking this and that when it is ENTIRELY our own creation.  I am such a pain in the backside to myself.  It is hard to believe, but there is the fact of the matter.  Event, observation, seeing habit or judgement, choice to “pick it up” and reaction.  It is our choice to not pick it up if we choose to. 

Here is to hoping that all of our weekends are filled with less annoyances, more wisdom, and some compassion for ourselves as we get through this crazy thing called life. I won’t be e-mailing on Monday, it’s our off-week.  I hope we all find/create some time off.
