
35.40 Nagy’s Buddha’s Anger


The 77% Weekly

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MEANINGFUL TALKS  There will another FREE Teleseminar on 11/26!   

We will discuss ANGER!


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how to download the audio and notes   

“Nagy” & Rabbi Brian 35/40

The Buddha on Anger

The Buddha on how to handle other’s anger: don’t take the gift!

Here is a story:

A woman, whose son had left her to become a disciple, confronted the Buddha and showered him with great anger. She was a widow and her son had been her sole source of support. She poured out a great virulent wrath in the Buddha’s face.

The monks watching were shocked.The Buddha said nothing to defend himself – after all, her son was taking active steps in the path towards the liberation – couldn’t she understand that?

When the woman left they asked why he listened, did nothing, but, seemingly, took the abuse.
The Buddha said two things:
   1. She was suffering and we must show compassion for all who suffer
   2. I did not have to accept her “gifts’.”
(The story ends with the Buddha telling her the son to go and take of his mother and that he could always return.)


Isn’t that advice of the Buddha’s something that we all know?  We must be compassionate and we needn’t accept other people’s rage. People only attack us when they feel their suffering is too great to shoulder. If we can understand this, then we need not take in their gifts.

With love,

Nagy & Rabbi Brian

“Nagy” & Rabbi Brian
Daniel “Nagy” Nagacitta Buckley Sensei (a.k.a Very Venerable T.T. Thích Minh Nhat) is a Zen Buddhist priest and founder of the Los Angeles based Strawberry Dragon Zendo. He works in the Prison Dharma Network – teaching wisdom that turns prisons into monasteries.

Rabbi Brian wrote this article in conjunction with Nagy.



 There will another FREE Teleseminar on 11/26!

We will discuss ANGER!
On Wednesday, I’ll send you an e-mail on how to sign up as well as how to download the audio and notes

An ROTB Podcast



Why were you not you?

Rabbi Brian tells the oft-told tell of Reb Zuysa, but adds a twist… about theologic empowerment.  This is a good one.

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