

The 77% Weekly

The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter

November 2006 – Issue 35/40

In This Issue


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The 77% Weekly:
The Religion-Outside-The-Box Newsletter
people find and be with (the) God (of their
understanding) 40
out of 52 weeks a year.

is a non-denominational,
internet-based, 501c3 tax
exempt religious congregation.

Spiritual Direction.

Do any of the following apply to you? Or to someone
you know?

  • Do you self-identify as “spiritual”
    but don’t practice anything?
  • Do you hate
    organized religion, yet long for a connection with
  • Are in a blended faith relationship and
    now don’t know what to do?
  • Do you want help
    in creating a spiritual life different from that of
    your family of origin?
  • Do you need some help
    working on your issues with God?

Perhaps I
can help.

One of the best parts of my job is
the experience of helping individuals (and couples)
along their spiritual journeys — to find and be with
(the) God (of their understanding). I have a few
openings available to do this work in person and a
few slots that my schedule would allow via

What is spiritual

Spiritual direction is
for anyone who wants a little help figuring out how
to find and be with (the) God (of their

As I like to say,
“If you are smart enough to figure out what foods
you like to eat, you can figure out a
spiritual-religious life that fits your lifestyle.
You just might need a little help.”

Click here
for a brochure . . . or here
to send me an e-mail.

Sushi & Love.

There was a time in my life when I
was much more obsessed with the “right” way to do

For instance, if I were sitting
across from you and we were eating sushi, I might
have demonstrated the proper way to hold your
chopsticks. Or I would have explained that the soy
sauce and wasabi mustard are supposed to be applied
to the fish, not the rice and then told you how one
is supposed to put fish side on the tongue first.

I used to feel compelled to share such
knowledge when I had it.

But, since then, I
have grown and matured.

I have learned that
unless you care about the proper way for sushi to be
eaten, unless you specifically ask me, unless you
let it be known that you are the type of person
whose dining experience would be enhanced by an
etiquette and history lesson — that I would be
speaking only to show off my own knowledge and

There is no better way to eat
sushi than the way that works for you.

days all I want to tell you as you sit across from
me is that I love you.

And, if you care to, click here to see the comments on

where this
article went up last week.

With much love,

Rabbi Brian
