
Copy of 14/40 Non-Existence


The 77% Weekly

The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 

15/40 From Rabbi Brian

Life: it’s hard

My friend Julie says something that I think we all need to take to heart:


Life. It isn’t for the weak.


From time to time I forget just how hard it is to be among the living. Daily, in a myriad of ways, we and all people living have to deal with fear and loss. And to-do lists.

There is a phrase in Hebrew: Chaim, ze lo picnic. translates to “Life ain’t no picnic.”


Let’s be kind to ourselves in the upcoming days, remembering that life is hard.


Spiritual-religious advice: Be compassionate to yourself (and others). Life is hard.

The Bible: Audio and Notes

Click to learn about the audio and notes from the meaningful talk we had about the Bible.  (With a 100% no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee you’ve not nothing to loose except, maybe, some ignorance about the Bible.)

Rabbi Brian Zachary Mayer is the founder of Religion-Outside-The-Box.

After being ordained as a rabbi, he left mainstream congregational life to encourage people to find and be with (the) God (of their understanding) through podcasts, books, tweets, and internet-based seminars.  

His day job is teaching mathematics to Los Angeleno High School students. The rest of the time is with his family.
   With love,

  Rabbi Brian

    Rabbi Brian  

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I thank you. -Rb 

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