
37/40 The Problem? Me.

The 77% Weekly

The 77% Weekly gives you wisdom_biscuits:

something tasty, digestible, and filling — 40/52 weeks-a-year


37/40 From Rabbi Brian

The Problem? Me.
I realized what is wrong with airport security!
Me, expecting it to be Disneyland.

Did you realize that I’ve been sending out this newsletter since July 2006?  (It had a previous life before that.)
The end of this year will mark the 260th issue and, assuming every issue is read by every person receiving it, about 950,000 reads.  (I know, who reads all of them anyway?) Even it it is 77% of the articles read, but 77% of the people, it’s still over a half million.
Respond to this e-mail and say “hi,” that you enjoy getting these e-mails, or that you’ve been considering making a large donation to cover needed replacement computers.

    With love,

  Rabbi Brian

   Rabbi Brian   


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