
Seeking non-rationally.

We think, most of the time, with our normal, rational, everyday mindset because that’s how we are accustomed to thinking. We are masterful at logical thought.
And, why not? We get the most out of this world by thinking rationally. Who could fault us for wanting to use logic?!
But, I’m going to suggest a reason that logic doesn’t satisfy because you want more.
Sure, pure logic might help us get the best deal, but, with reason alone, we can’t really make sense of what we are looking at, what we are looking for, and why we are looking.
Logic only can take us so far. Logic got us here, to today.
When we start to think religiously – when we think about getting the most out of life, we know that thinking alone isn’t enough. The spiritual-religious-faithfilled domain of life is not-rational.
That is not to say that the spiritual-religious-faithfilled is irrational – the spiritual-religious-faithfilled is pre-rational, post-rational, and non-rational. (Irrational is leaping off a building towards a sunset to become one with it. Non-rational is enjoying it, taking in the beauty.)
If you are only looking at the world in a way that is comfortable for you, you are probably controlling it too much.
Today I am going to implore you to dive in to a religious concept called METANOIA – which means beyond thinking. (Note: this Greek word is translated as repentance, but it only means repentance in as much as when we repent we have experienced a paradigm shift.)
When the apostles were visited by Jesus after his death, they were confused. (Can you imagine them being otherwise?) They asked, “Brothers, what should we do?” The answer given, “Metanoia!” (Again, if you see this response as “seek repentance for your foolish ways” you are missing the point. What Peter was telling them is SEIZE THE NON-RATIONAL! If God shows God’s self to you, do not ask why! Be enthralled, follow that path!)
The world doesn’t make logical sense.
Don’t force it to.
Do something different.

Enjoy a smile today more than you normally would.
Taste the amazing beauty of an apple pulled from the fridge.
Savor this thing called life.

To put it in the words of the prophet Prince, “And if the elevator tries to bring you down, Go crazy, punch a higher floor.”
The fun about magic and constantly seeing the world with new eyes is the novelty.
Logic doesn’t necessarily lead to joy, happiness, or pleasure. Logic leads to mechanization.
In life and in art, it’s the surprise – what we aren’t expecting – that delights.
We need to do and seek differently.
Our regular way got us here.
To go beyond, we need to stop making sense. We need to live differently.
We need to LOVE with abandon.
I’m going to suggest we can start a revolution by stopping our usual way of doing things.
Right now email someone who you love just to let them know you are thinking about them.
Or call.
Stop thinking the way you have always been thinking.
Stop thinking only with logic.
Stop looking around the lamppost for the thing you lost down the alley.
Go crazy.
Seek God with your whole being. Be. Open up. Experience wonder.
It’s right here.

Here are the words of Franz Kafka:
You do not need to leave your room.
Remain sitting at your table and listen.
Do not even listen, simply wait.
Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary.
The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

#wisdom_biscuit: stop making sense. Enjoy more.