Why Leaders Are Assholes
Rabbi Brian weighs in on his response to the question, “Why are leaders assholes?” The answer has to do with Martin Luther King, Jr. (How’s that for an interesting description?)
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Rabbi Brian weighs in on his response to the question, “Why are leaders assholes?” The answer has to do with Martin Luther King, Jr. (How’s that for an interesting description?)
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The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 13/40 From Rabbi Brian Non-Existence. (Gulp!) I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how non-important I might be. This is not a plea asking you to recognize me. In other words, there is no need for your to contact me saying, “No, Rabbi
13/40 Non-Existence Read More »
The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 12/40 From Rabbi Brian Freedom (on the inside) This is article 5 out of 5 on the topic of freedom. Passover and Easter, which both come at the end of this week, are societal, spiritual-religious celebrations of freedom. Happy freedom, I
Greetings! Usually, I send out the “take-a-moment” off e-mail on the last Monday of the month. However, as I wanted to send a five-part series about freedom before Passover/Easter, I had to deviate from my usual pattern. -Rb The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 11/40 From Rabbi Brian Freedom (on the inside)
The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 10/40 From Rabbi Brian Free & Freedom (This is article 3 out of 5 on the topic of freedom.) Free. The English word free comes from the German frei which means dear or beloved. (Similarly, the word liberty parallels it as it comes from
The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 09/40 From Rabbi Brian Freedom (from false boundaries) (This is article 2 out of 5 on the topic of freedom.) Traditionally both Judaism and Christianity have done ‘countdowns’ to Passover and Easter. Today I want to explain a bit about Passover. Passover
The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 08/40 From Rabbi Brian Freedom (from false boundaries) (This is article 1 out of 5 on the topic of freedom. Springtime is a traditionally a spiritual-religious season to reflect on limits and the freedoms from them.) The 1st century Roman poet Virgil wrote Possunt quia
The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 07/40 From Rabbi Brian Rounding the Square. Today’s newsletter has one story and two bits of spiritual-religious advice. The Story When he was a toddler, my son, my gorgeous, beautiful guy, did something that we all do. But before I tell you what
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The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 06/40 From Rabbi Brian Of health and sickness. “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Krishnamurti wrote that. How true, how true. I oughtn’t be at ease. How could I
The 77% Weekly The 40/52 weeks-a-year, spiritual-religious newsletter 05/40 From Rabbi Brian Mowing, but why? I had a conversation with my friend Jeremy, a neighbor of mine who is in high school. It went like this: J: I’m saving up my money! RB: Wonderful. What are you saving up money for?
05 Mowing the Lawn, why? Read More »