I suffer from being “on a screen” a bit more than I wish.
There are times that a loved one attempts to engage with me, and, instead of interacting, I allow myself to get sucked back into a-social media.
This is not good. I do not want to ignore my loved ones. This is not living my life with my priorities in order.
To combat this problem, I have created a coupon for them to hand to me when I’m “zombified.” They simply hand me one of the stack of vouchers I gave them and it reminds me of my commitment to being engaged in actual reality.

Distribute it to your loved ones.
(If you get the 77% Weekly Newsletter, you received the attachment on 12/11.)
You download, print, and give the certificates to them.
(Or, you can forward this webpage and they print the certificates.)
When they would like your attention, they hand you a certificate.
Please be patient and kind to yourself (and them) about you learning to break your electronics addiction. Habits are hard to break.