
HHD service PDX (Portland, OR)


Friday Night – September 18, 2015

  • The Friday Night between Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur

  • Free

  • No Hebrew, no affiliation, no theology required

  • An outside-the-box spiritual service

  • Adults (12 and older only, please)

I’m Rabbi Brian of Religion-Outside-the-Box. I’ve been running High Holy Day services for 15 years. And, I used to run them the way you might be used to – from the book. Every year since 5755, I have led an increasingly more open, organic, and spiritual service. I did away with the book entirely and now run a service from an 8.5 by 11 page and from the heart. Three years ago, my family and I moved from Los Angeles to Portland where I continue the tradition.

Location Map

6pm gathering.
Friday night, September 18, 2015.
Service starts at 6:30.
Meet under the metal structure behind Hollyrood School at the Northeast corner of Grant Park. PDX
(Sunset will be  at 7:15)
Bring a camping or other type of chair to sit on
Contemplate the universal themes of forgiveness, at-one-ment, death, and love.
Part Dharma-talk, part rebbe’s tisch, part introspection, part group sharing, part contemplation. (You don’t need to share if you do not want to.)
If you’ve never been to a High Holy Service before or if you usually attend, come either way
We will conclude by 8:15.

Erika RuberI have always loved this time of year.  I love that the Jewish New Year and these 10 Holy days coincides with a time that I often feel reflective and thoughtful.  Gathering with Rabbi Brian last year was such a wonderful way to thoughtfully examine the meaning of these holidays – this time of year in the Jewish calendar.  Rabbi Brian offered a meaningful approach to creating ritual that I got so much out of.
Erika R. (SE Portland)

Bill ZuelkeLast year as a favor to a friend, I attended Rabbi Brian’s High holy day services, held in a local park. Being a life long catholic, I am no stranger to ritual and its potential for helping us find the way to holiness. Also being catholic I had no idea what to expect. I was blessed by the experience, nurtured and challenged. It will not lightly be pulled from its place on my calendar for this year and the future.
Bill Z. (NE Portland)


Location Map

September 18, 2015. 6pm-8:15pm.
More information about Religion-Outside-The-Box