The 77% Weekly
The 77% Weekly gives you wisdom_biscuits: something tasty, digestible, and filling — 40/52 weeks-a-year
Want to be kinder and less angry? |
Do you want to be kinder and less irritated in your life? I don’t have all the answers but here is what I know… |
Wisdom Talk: Kindness: better than anger |
A Wisdom Talk: Rabbi Brian synthesizes classic rabbinics, world religions, and philosophy into Wisdom Biscuits: tasty, digestible, and filling.
The Jewish Journal describes my talks as “A bewitching combination of borscht-belt humor with a Dharma talk.”
Kindness: better than anger |
Learn: The 2 Causes of Anger // How to get angry correctly // Upstream and Downstream: a parable // How to be kind // How to deal gracefully with change // Not to be (as) offended (as often) // The only true cause of mistakes,
Wisdom and quotes from: Shantideva // Reinhold Neibur // Aristotle // The Talmud // St. Augustine // Jesus // (T)God(OMU) // Native American Culture
Three Formats! |
1. Audio After giving this talk 6 times to 6 classes in 2 days, I recorded this almost 30 minute talk in an empty classroom. There is a little post-production where the audio needed to be fixed and you can hear the school bell in the background at some point.
But, I am confident that the variances in audio will not diminish from your enjoyment of the messages.
This is the edited transcript of the 28 minute talk. I hired a college-aged friend to illustrate the text to make the read more ‘fun’ and more Web 2.0.
You will enjoy both the layout and the content.
3. Video Preview See a graphical recording of this Wisdom Talk. And, hear a preview of the audio.
Not downloadable as of yet. A free taste!
(No, I am not the one who did the drawing.)
100% Guaranteed |
$6 for either format, the audio or the pdf. 100% money-back, no questions asked, guarantee. (Ain’t got $6? E-mail me and I’ll find ROTB donors to scholarship you. No questions asked.)
With love,
Rabbi Brian
my tweets @wisdom_biscuit
Consider scheduling a monthly recurring donation. Your help, as little as $1 an issue, can help me to continue this dream of religion without walls. Do so and I’ll send you, FREE, a beautiful PDF of the best pieces I have every written: How To Deal With Impossible People.
Or, make a one-time donation, get a tax write off and my sincere appreciation…
ROTB’s newsletter, website, and podcasts cost thousands of dollars to publish and maintain. Please consider making a US tax-deductible contribution to help defray the costs. Details about donations to ROTB. |