
Kindess: better than anger


The 77% Weekly

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Kindness: better than anger From Rabbi Brian


The 77% Weekly remains free. If you like my articles, podcasts, and wisdom_biscuits, you’ll love this… (Purchase, obviously, is optional.) 


Want to be kinder and less angry?
Do you want to be kinder and less irritated in your life?

I don’t have all the answers but here is what I know…

Wisdom Talk: Kindness: better than anger

A Wisdom Talk:  Rabbi Brian synthesizes classic rabbinics, world religions, and philosophy into Wisdom Biscuits: tasty, digestible, and filling.


The Jewish Journal describes my talks as “A bewitching combination of borscht-belt humor with a Dharma talk.”  


Kindness: better than anger

Learn: The 2 Causes of Anger // How to get angry correctly // Upstream and Downstream: a parable // How to be kind // How to deal gracefully with change // Not to be (as) offended (as often) // The only true cause of mistakes, 


Wisdom and quotes from: Shantideva // Reinhold Neibur // Aristotle // The Talmud // St. Augustine // Jesus // (T)God(OMU) // Native American Culture


Three Formats!

1. Audio

After giving this talk 6 times to 6 classes in 2 days, I recorded this almost 30 minute talk in an empty classroom.  There is a little post-production where the audio needed to be fixed and you can hear the school bell in the background at some point.  


But, I am confident that the variances in audio will not diminish from your enjoyment of the messages.

2. 17+ Pages Illuminated PDF

This is the edited transcript of the 28 minute talk.  I hired a college-aged friend to illustrate the text to make the read more ‘fun’ and more Web 2.0.   


You will enjoy both the layout and the content.

3. Video Preview

Kindness final  

See a graphical recording of this Wisdom Talk.  And, hear a preview of the audio. 


Not downloadable as of yet.  A free taste! 


(No, I am not the one who did the drawing.)  




100% Guaranteed

for either format, the audio or the pdf

100% money-back, no questions asked, guarantee.

(Ain’t got $6? E-mail me and I’ll find ROTB donors to scholarship you. No questions asked.)


  With love,


  Rabbi Brian 

   Rabbi Brian   


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