

How long will this article take you to read?

It’s a straightforward question. Nothing odd about asking.
How long do you think it will take you to read this article?
  • (A) more than 3 minutes
  • (B) less than 3 minutes
  • (C) I would rather not commit to an answer
We like to know how long things take.
We ask experts or get consensus from those around us, “On average, knowing that conditions vary, how long will xyz procedure take?”
Being able to estimate time can make life so much more comfortable. 
If you have no idea how much longer the horrible play you are watching is going to be, it’s uncomfortable. It’s better is you and you can better brace and face it if you know that in forty-five minutes, plus-or-minus five, you will be done.

We love to have a sense so that we know what’s going on.

Time estimates are interesting.

Sometimes we are right, and sometimes we are not. Sometimes we are delighted by our acuity and sometimes frustrated by our missing the mark.

We often think that the smarter you are, the better you are able to estimate time. I disagree.

Some of the smartest people I know use their ability to estimate time effectively so they can cram as much as possible in a day. And these people (it might be you) tend to make their lives miserable by trying to get so much done. They don’t have time between activities.

Doesn’t seem smart to me.
I go to the airport super early. Hours early. I like to get to the airport and enjoy this concept called spaciousness.

There’s a beautiful quote from John O’Donohue.
“The journey of greed has great urgency, but no destination.”

The journey of greed has great urgency, but no destination.

Does this ring true? Do you have a sense that you’re always in a rush?
Do you have a sense that you have to get things done right now?

Do you have spaciousness?

Nightmares are marked by three qualities:
1.     Lack of control
2.     Discomfort
3.     Timelessness
We dislike these three qualities of nightmares:
1.     We don’t have control.
2.     We are severely uncomfortable.
3.     We don’t have a sense that there is a way to stop it.

We see living nightmares with illness. We are out of control, we are diseased, and we don’t know how or if it will end.


Please find the spaciousness in your life.
Please do time estimations, not so you can get more done, but so you can have more spaciousness in your life.