Podcast Episode Notes
0:00 – 02:00 – deep breaths and welcome statement
02:00 – 03:15 – home work noticing complaining with participant comments
03:15 – 04:30 – quick note form Rabbi Brian to say thanks to Toni Anne
04:30 – 12:35 – Toni Anne: discussing what we’ll talk about today – podcast recommendation (Finding our Way (podcast) hosted by Prentis Hemphill; Episode 7: Remembering with Alexis Pauline Gumbs “A cell can’t defend itself and grow at the same time.” (+too many other gems in this episode to count!) if we’re in defence mode, what does that mean to be able to grow at the same time? How does this fit into the election this week (America): how can this be a moment of growth instead of defence?
Thinking about repetition – like what Rabbi Brian does with us every Saturday – routine – how does repetition work into today’s discussion?
12:35 – 17:09 – Toni Anne: talking about dream work – unconscious mind – talking about repetition in the mind and how it becomes reflex and acceptance of yourself – it’s a practice done via repetition. Eg: using “I am” statements – using notes to create positive statements
17:09 – 18:50 – statement on the power of visualization (“A study looking at brain patterns in weightlifters found that the patterns activated when a weightlifter lifted hundreds of pounds were similarly activated when they only imagined lifting. In some cases, research has revealed that mental practices are almost effective as true physical practice. For instance, in his study on everyday people, Guang Yue, an exercise psychologist from Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio, compared results of those who did physical exercises to the results of those who carried out virtual workouts in their heads. In the physical exercise group, finger abduction strength increased by 53%. In the group that did “mental contractions”, their finger abduction strength increased by 35%. However, “the greatest gain (40%) was not achieved until 4 weeks after the training had ended” (Ranganathan et al., 2004). The power of visualization https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/bl….
This demonstrates the mind’s incredible power over the body and its muscles.”) and how it works physically
18:50 – 27:50 – Toni Anne: 5 mins written exercise on aspect of life you want to realize through actualization (I AM…) and what does it look like when it’s here – what are the questions that you would ask , what does it smell like, what does it look like, how do you feel, what is there to appreciate?
Rabbi Brian quote: nothing is different in my world. nothing. not one rock in a different space. everything is the same on the universe, minus one thing. I’m 0.02% healthier, more present. and I have 0.02% more pride. and I love myself just 0.02% more than I did.
27:50 – 37:05 – Toni Anne review of what was written by people with several participants. Can you see and feel what some of that you wrote is real?
37:06 – 38:05 – Toni Anne quote: Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.–Earl Nightingale – eg: Muhammad Ali saying he was the greatest – subconscious affirmation made conscious instead of ego.
38:06 – 46:00- actualization discussions continue. What felt different? I am in the process of… instead of I am or I should (to say you are working towards but not there yet). Bob talked about parent/child/adult modes of self and how it works in the use of verbs (should/will/in the process of…). Toni Anne discussed the softening of ego to allow for forgiveness.
46:00 – 50:35 – 5 min meditation or visualization
50:36 – 53:35 – Toni Anne: Rabbi’s announcements: Sat service same link as Tuesday 11 AM PST chat, newsletter (oldrotb.wpengine.com), meditation weekdays: https://zoom.us/j/94708288275
53:35: Dropped off Zoom. Oopsie. Trying to reconnect. Wrapping up anyway :)