
38.5/40 The Hat, The Well, and Insanity

The 77% Weekly

25The 77% Weekly gives you wisdom_biscuits:
something tasty, digestible, and filling — 40/52 weeks-a-year
I teach math. And, nonetheless, I make errors in calculating. December 17 is supposed to be issue #40. So, I am adding in 38.5 here.

Insanity, with a hat

A definition of insanity is: doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
My friend Charles explains it like this:

  • I go to a well for water and it doesn’t have any water. I am disappointed.
  • I go away and come back. The well still doesn’t have any water. I am shocked.
  • I leave and come back a third time. But this time . . . I’m wearing a hat!

And yet we all do this – all of the time.
We expect that because we have “put on a hat” that the dry wells in our lives will suddenly contain water. We need to face reality, make the changes we can, and then stop going to empty wells – with or without hats.
Spiritual-religious advice: Don’t think that because you are doing something differently that the world will necessarily change.

With love,
Rabbi Brian
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