“Estoy…um, how do you say ‘cold’?” Emmett asks. We are attempting a conversation in Spanish. “What are you trying to say?,” I inquire, as I bite into the street taco I brought back to our heavily air conditioned hotel room in Mexico City. “I’m cold.” “Cold is frio. But it’s *tengo* frio. Not *estoy* frio.”
Seeking Forgiveness Read More »
It is Yom Kippur — the holiest day of the Jewish years. I’m in my backyard. In a tent. Fasting. Contemplating. It’s my practice. The dogs tell me and repeat: “Clear and present danger at the front door. Clear and present danger at the front door.” I unzip, go through the house, and
Teaching with Heart The score that the tenth graders get the first time they take something called the CAHSEE—a California-issued standardized test—determines the amount of state funding the school as a whole receives. The pressure, created by bureaucrats who have no idea what actually goes into a school, is crippling on this school filled with
Teaching With Heart Read More »
Moments ago—this very evening—immediately after flipping up the switch for our bedroom lights, I thought, “That overhead light is too bright.” Never in my life before had I had that particular thought. I’d heard Jane say it. Many times.In many situations. It’s just that I’d never thought it. In fact,
Co-Feeling-The-Light Read More »
Learning to learn and learning to learn about love “Fist, Thumb, Fingers, Pinky.” “Fist, Thumb, Fingers, Pinky.” “Fist, Thumb, Fingers, Pinky.” “Fist, Thumb, Fingers, Pinky.” I say each word—Fist, Thumb, Fingers, Pinky—as I put that part of my right hand at the edge of the table. Students start doing it along with me. I continue,
Seeing God — American Airline flight 1849 from CLT to PDX. There’s a man sitting in the seat across the aisle from me. He is wearing athletic shorts, a short sleeve t-shirt, and Giorgio Armani Collection glasses with matte nickel frames. He just keeps talking and talking to the woman in the seat on the
Name: Email: The phrase “Time heals all wounds” is attributed to the Greek poet Menander (300 BCE). He was half right. Time is a component of healing. But healing does not happen with time alone. Healing requires both time and attention. *** Something traumatic recently happened to me in Harmony, North Carolina. And, because
Attention to (Southern) Discomfort Read More »
Son, When I asked you to “close all the windows” after using my office computer, I was not referring to the glass and wood, three-paned window situated above the large Acer 45” monitor. No, I was talking about the full-page, Google chrome windows you opened on the large display and were using to watch Breaking
My friend. I often refer to the person or people with whom I’m talking as *my friend* or “my friends.” I like that it proposes the relationship I desire to have. I see truth in the saccharine phrase attributed to both poets Guest and Yeats, “There are no strangers here. Only friends